
Monday, June 24, 2013

Posted a New Video on Naihanchi


  1. Nothing is more harmful to the world than a martial art that is not effective in actual self-defense.(Quote by Motobu Choki). Sorry, but your interpretation of Naihanchi Shodan Kata is really just horrible. You are thinking to much, talking about the balls of your feet coming up a touching each other is worse than yoga. You have been misled and your little taking down the leg with your move will not work and is worthless. I agree with trying figure out what these ancient forms stand for, but the closest interpretations that will work was revealed by my a true master, my instructor Taika Oyata. Which of whom you should have followed and would maybe understand more of what you are doing. You came close when you said the hands move down to throw the opponent off balance, but sorry, no cigar. The hands move in a upward motion to the abdomen hooking and/or kicking with the leg at the same time. I'm only telling you this because I felt sorry for you. But, I don't feel sorry for your mentor Dilman. He is way to fat, slow and a fake. First thing he needs to work on is his shape or he'll trip over himself before he gets off even a fake knock out attempt that will probably leave him helpless and injured.
